St. John's College - Liberal Arts College in the Annapolis and Santa Fe
“Between St. John’s and the law, there’s a really great overlap between skills that you need to do well. One of them is something most lawyers do very poorly, and St. John’s really trains you in, and that’s listening.”
Career Pathways adds to the college’s already robust slate of career supports.
Charlotte King (Class of 1959) Recalls Breaking Barriers as One of St. John’s First Black Students
King was among the college’s “Magnificent Seven,” a self-described cohort of Black students who enrolled at St. John’s amid the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education case.
Johnnies have won 32 out of 40 matches against the Midshipmen. Tickets go on sale to the general public March 3.
Giving Back in the Spirit of Community
Returning to St. John’s Santa Fe for Homecoming 2024 prompted financial planner Laura Manion (A04) to reflect on the importance of meaningful camaraderie—and how including the college in her estate planning could help ensure its existence for future generations of Johnnies.
Nearly 20 years after matriculating as a freshman at St. John's Annapolis, Beck moved out West to experience St. John’s Master of Arts in Eastern Classics.
St. John’s College Seniors to Ring Bell in Annual Tradition
The bell will toll 120 times overnight Saturday into Sunday in downtown Annapolis.
Johnnies in Tech: Alum-Founded Startup New Sapience Offers Annapolis Students a Crash-Course in AI
Bryant Cruse (A73) and Tom Loveland (A84) mentor interns from St. John's by posing them a fundamental philosophical question: What exactly is intelligence?
Undergraduate Curriculum
Our students read the original writings of great thinkers across 3,000 years of history, engage in vigorous classroom discussion with fewer than 20 students around the seminar table, and study ideas across the humanities and sciences. Every student receives an interdisciplinary degree in the liberal arts. Our graduate programs are also books- and discussion-based.
Learn More about Undergraduate Program
An Affordable Education For All
St. John’s is one of the most celebrated colleges in America, and part of our mission is to make this education accessible to students of all backgrounds. St. John’s offers one of the lowest private college tuitions alongside generous financial aid.
Freshman Year Tuition is Fully Covered for U.S. Students from Families Earning Under $75,000.
What Others Say
“St. John’s, with its famously demanding curriculum, hovers like a high-achieving angel over the landscape of American higher education.”
—Los Angeles Times
What Others Say
“What’s the highest calling of higher education? St. John’s College has some enduring answers.”
—Frank Bruni, New York Times
What Others Say
“There should be 100 St. Johnses.”
—Malcolm Gladwell
What Others Say
“The most rigorous college in America.”
What Others Say
“A school for the intellectual explorer.”
—Colleges that Change Lives
What Others Say
“The most forward-thinking, future-proof college in America.”
What Others Say
“The courage to be distinct.”
—David Brooks, New York Times
What Others Say
“A curriculum that would make Socrates proud.”
—Chronicle of Higher Education
What Others Say
“A school for self-directed intellectuals.”
What Others Say
“With great professors and distinguished alumni, who could ask for more?”
What Others Say
“Johnnies drop words such as ‘truth’ and ‘virtue’ in casual conversation.”
—Washington Post
Continuing the Conversation
A film + podcast series featuring St. John’s faculty.